Gov't will not pocket wealth of the nation - Prez Akufo-Addo
President Akufo-Addo during a 2-day tour to the Upper East
Region assured citizens of Ghana the resources and wealth of the nation will
not find their way into his pockets, but will be used for the rapid development
of the country.
We are going to ensure that all the money that is mobilised
by government is spent in dealing with the issues that concern our people, and
that they do not find their way into my pocket or the pocket of my ministers.
We are not going to allow that to happen again.”
In addressing the concerns of the Chiefs of the Upper East
Region on the deplorable nature of their roads, President Akufo-Addo noted that
“everywhere I go, the first thing people ask me is about their roads.
“So this unprecedented infrastructural development trumpeted
by my opponent in the last election could not have been about roads, it must
have been something else. You, yourself, have pointed out how very poor your
network is. We are going to work on it,” he assured.
On the rehabilitation and restoration of the country’s
railway network, President Akufo-Addo bemoaned “one of the saddest and most
egregious decisions that was made”, which was to allow the railway network
inherited from colonial times to get into disuse.
“It is absolutely essential for the rapid development of our
country that we connect our country by railway, and we are going to do it.
Very, very soon, the Minister for Railways is going to roll out, before the
country, the exact plan that we have to redevelop our railway infrastructure.
You can be sure that you, the people of the Upper East Region, will be right in
the centre of those considerations for railway development,” he added.
President Akufo-Addo continued, “I have said, and will
continue to say, we are not a poor nation. Ghanaians are not a poor people, our
nation is not a poor nation. All it needs is good leadership, and the
prosperity that God has given to us will come out for all our people to
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